Female cat and kittens
Charles, Clara, Channing, Caylee
Kittens born 05/13/24
Male, 10 months
Jack was found with frostbite and lost a bit of his tail from it. This did not stop him from being a sweet boy. Jack has been altered and is completely vetted! His adoption fee is $80 Go to "Apply" to fill out an application to possibly bring Jack into your family.
Female, appx . 10 months
Shirley is a tiny tot for her age, but is mighty! She loves to play with the bigger kitties and she lets them know who's boss. She can be very independent and at times be affectionate. She does love her food! Her start at life was not ideal, but this girl is a warrior and continues to power through it. Shirle
Female, appx . 10 months
Shirley is a tiny tot for her age, but is mighty! She loves to play with the bigger kitties and she lets them know who's boss. She can be very independent and at times be affectionate. She does love her food! Her start at life was not ideal, but this girl is a warrior and continues to power through it. Shirley has the cutest little orange patch on her forehead, something you have to see.
5 years old, female
Honey is the most lovable cat that I have ever had, and I have seen a lot! This girl will stay on your lap forever. She gives head butts and snuggles so be prepared for a lot of love. She came in with a limp on her front leg and it was determined that it is an old break that has fused back together. This does not s
5 years old, female
Honey is the most lovable cat that I have ever had, and I have seen a lot! This girl will stay on your lap forever. She gives head butts and snuggles so be prepared for a lot of love. She came in with a limp on her front leg and it was determined that it is an old break that has fused back together. This does not stop her at all. She has no problem getting on your lap for endless loves. She is a laid back girl who really doesn't play much, and just wants some love. We believe she has had at least one or more litters in her life.
10 month, female
Alexandria is your typical kitten who loves to play with anything that moves. She also loves to chase and play with the other kitties in her foster home. She is a lover and a sweetheart, and it doesn't take long for her purr motor to start running.
Young female
Sweet cat! Very into snuggles! Been around dogs and other cats well!
Adult female
Betha came in pregnant and gave birth 04/24/24.
Female kittens were born 4/13/24. They are a beautiful mix of shy, playful, entertaining and loving. They are learning to purr.
Momma Emma is a beautiful girl who purrs so loud. Is a great momma, and has a bit of play in her. We will let the vet determine are, but we think she’s young.
Milo came in as a feral kitten but was plenty young to learn that people were not his enemy. Hold him and he purrs up a storm.
Male cat
Female cat
Oscar was rescued from a storm drain. He was malnourished and scared and thought to be feral. He most definitely was not. He has a purr machine like no other.
Female kittens were born 4/13/24. They are a beautiful mix of shy, playful, entertaining and loving. They are learning to purr.
Male kittens were born 4/13/24. They are a beautiful mix of shy, playful, entertaining and loving. They are learning to purr.
Male kitten
Male Kitten from Kaycee born 05/13/24
Female cat
Female cat
Female cat
Female kitten from Monica's litter
Female kitten from Monica's litter
Female kitten from Monica's litter
Male kitten from Monica's litter
Female kitten from Monica's litter
Male kitten from Monica's litter
Male kitten that Monica took on additionally
We do our best to keep our site up-to-date with the animals at our rescue. Animals cannot be reserved and are adopted on a first-come, first-served approved application.
Copyright © 2024 Saving Whiskers Cat Rescue - All Rights Reserved.
EIN: 99-0624318